Wednesday, May 4, 2011

“A Goal Without A Plan Is Just A Wish.”

Sorry I didn’t blog last week followers. I’ll get it over with and tell you now I didn’t lose any weight the last two weeks. I stupidly let myself eat Easter Candy, and more than I should all week. I didn’t gain but I still let myself and my followers down and for that I am sorry. This is a new day and I am letting go of my past mistakes and also making some changes.

One of my first changes is to stop drinking soda. I drink diet soda, but none the less it is not good for you. So the only time I will drink soda is when I am out at a restaurant. I am replacing soda with sparkling water and crystal light iced tea. I should be drinking more water anyway to stay hydrated during the day.

The second thing is I am going to add more non starchy vegetables to my diet. My family does not need to have potatoes with our dinners every night. Instead I will focus on more green veggies even if I don’t like them at first. I will eat more fruits and veggies in general. When I get back home from food shopping I can bag individual portions of celery, carrots, etc so this way there is no excuse like “I don’t feel like cutting the celery up.” or “I don’t have time.”.

The third change is to go walking everyday. Obviously if it is raining this will be hard to do, but with the nice weather coming I should be able to go for a walk with the kids. It will be easier on days I can go walking with someone else so I can put both the kids in a stroller, but if I can’t find anyone to go with me I’ll just let Abby walk. I know with her walking with me I probably won’t able to go walking as long but on those days I will just go walking twice if I have to.

I hope by making these changes and focusing on eating healthy I will continue to lose weight. I know the last couple of weeks I have gone off track but with the help of my anti-depressants and making sure I focus on my goal I believe I can get back in gear. I know making changes to make my life better will take time. But in the end, all the little sacrifices will have been worth it. See you all next week Followers!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes we slip back to are old habits.The first step is knowing what you did wrong and correct it.Start programing your mind and focus.You do deserve a healthier life!
    Love your mom!
