Monday, April 18, 2011

Depression Loses Its Power When Fresh Vision Pierces The Darkness

Well I finally got help. On Tuesday I went to my doctors and told her what was going on. After talking to her, she gave me a prescription for antidepressants. Just being able to get all my emotions out and finally get some help made me feel a little better. I started taking it Tuesday night and although I know it hasn’t kicked in yet I feel a little happier. Maybe its just because I know I am finally doing what I need to do for myself.

The doctor told me to start taking half of the pill for the first week and then after that to take a whole one. The first couple of days she said it was possible to feel nauseous and get headaches, but I haven’t had either things happen. It will take about 4-6 weeks to start working but I am sure it will be worth the wait.

This week I lost the 3lbs I gained, so I am happy with that. I drank lots of water and worked out 3 times, although my husband had to push me to do it. Today my husband and I took the kids out for a nice walk and it felt great to go walking together as a family. I was hoping it would continue to stay nice out so we can go out again, but it looks like its calling for rain, possibly a little tonight, and then on Tuesday and Wednesday. So unless it changes I will have to work out inside the next couple of days. I am going to work out everyday, even if I have to push myself. I can do this. I just have to keep reminding myself I can. See you all next week followers!

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