Sunday, May 15, 2011

"You Cannot Expect To Achieve New Goals Or Move Beyond Your Present Circumstances Unless You Change.”

Hello Followers.

Its 11:50 on a Friday night and I can’t sleep. So I decided to get a head start on this weeks blog. I wasn’t able to write an entry last week. Last Sunday was Mother’s Day and I spent the day with my family. As for the rest of the week, my son, my husband, and I had a cold all week, so most of my time was spent on taking care of the kids while TJ was at work and then resting when he got home.

So far my plan to stop having soda has gone pretty well. I have only had soda if I was out for the day and needed to get a drink, which was only about 4 times in the last two weeks. That for me is a big change because I used to almost go through a bottle a day. I am proud of myself for not giving in yet and buying a bottle for home, but I also want to stop drinking soda when I am out too. I really enjoy the sparkling waters that I have been buying and think that is a good replacement. I am hoping that eventually I wont even think about drinking soda, like I am right now.

I have started incorporating more vegetables with our dinners. We did have potatoes a few times last week but that was only because I had already bought a bag and do not like to throw out good food. Starting this week I will only buy enough potatoes for 1-2 meals. Other than that I plan on having green beans and broccoli, which I already enjoy eating, and others that I don’t like cauliflower, onions, peppers, mushrooms, cucumbers, zucchini (ehhckk), and possibly spinach (really really ehhckk). I know that I don’t like them now, but I didn’t always like broccoli and now I do. I just need to keep eating them until I like them.

I still need go walking more, I do find that the more I keep taking my antidepressants the more motivation I have to do things. I just am not sure how well walking will go for me if Abby has to walk. She enjoys going in her stroller when I go for a walk with my husband or mom, so I just don’t know if she will cooperate with me or if she will get tired of walking and want me to carry her. I honestly should just suck it up, try it out, and see what happens. I don’t want to have to wait until my husband gets out of work to go for a walk. Sometimes he works late and if I wait for him I won’t get to walk at all. So I guess for now a cranky 4 year old who I may have to carry half of the way home and push Eddie in the stroller, is better than no walk at all.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Portion Control And Healthier Choices

Have you ever looked at the side of a cookie package and checked out the calories and fats on it and thought, “that’s not too bad” only to see that the serving size is two cookies? Is it really worth all those calories and fats? Or if you are using Weight Watchers, all those points? Two cookies equals four points in WW. FOUR! Two little cookies that I could probably eat ten of is four points for TWO. If I actually ate that many, my WW points for the day would be gone! This is where not only portions control comes in, but better snacking choices as well.

Don’t get me wrong, I love a good cookie as much as the next fat chick. But when you are on a dieting “adventure” as I like to call it, you got to make changes. I know for a fact that if I wanted to have a snack right now, that two cookies wouldn’t cut it. I would need to eat more than that to feel satisfied. So what would be a good alternative. Well there is a lot of healthier alternatives. Carrots and celery for example are both zero points on WW. If you really wanted something sweet? Fruit is a good alternative. Most fruits on the WW plan is zero points, and if you really felt like you wanted something extra, you can always try adding two tablespoons of fat free caramel dip or cream cheese fruit dip for only a few points. Having a sliced apple would be a whole lot more filling then two cookies. Not to mention much better for you.

If you really feel like you need to have that cookie. Its ok. I always seem to want that cookie or ice cream or some type of unhealthy snack. I just know that what I want and what I should have are two different things. That cookie will always be there. If I go back to the way I used to eat, I won’t. So while eating some junk food is okay on occasion, eating it everyday may not be such a good idea.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

“A Goal Without A Plan Is Just A Wish.”

Sorry I didn’t blog last week followers. I’ll get it over with and tell you now I didn’t lose any weight the last two weeks. I stupidly let myself eat Easter Candy, and more than I should all week. I didn’t gain but I still let myself and my followers down and for that I am sorry. This is a new day and I am letting go of my past mistakes and also making some changes.

One of my first changes is to stop drinking soda. I drink diet soda, but none the less it is not good for you. So the only time I will drink soda is when I am out at a restaurant. I am replacing soda with sparkling water and crystal light iced tea. I should be drinking more water anyway to stay hydrated during the day.

The second thing is I am going to add more non starchy vegetables to my diet. My family does not need to have potatoes with our dinners every night. Instead I will focus on more green veggies even if I don’t like them at first. I will eat more fruits and veggies in general. When I get back home from food shopping I can bag individual portions of celery, carrots, etc so this way there is no excuse like “I don’t feel like cutting the celery up.” or “I don’t have time.”.

The third change is to go walking everyday. Obviously if it is raining this will be hard to do, but with the nice weather coming I should be able to go for a walk with the kids. It will be easier on days I can go walking with someone else so I can put both the kids in a stroller, but if I can’t find anyone to go with me I’ll just let Abby walk. I know with her walking with me I probably won’t able to go walking as long but on those days I will just go walking twice if I have to.

I hope by making these changes and focusing on eating healthy I will continue to lose weight. I know the last couple of weeks I have gone off track but with the help of my anti-depressants and making sure I focus on my goal I believe I can get back in gear. I know making changes to make my life better will take time. But in the end, all the little sacrifices will have been worth it. See you all next week Followers!