Today is officially my first day on Weight Watchers. The first day is always the easy one. You wake up, you hop on the scale, you feel excited, motivated, ready to start the new better you. It’s keeping up that motivation after a few weeks that has been difficult for me in the past. I got bored easily. Eating the same bland foods over and over. I would give in to my cravings, and end up back at the same size I started, or heavier. My first diet I was 13. I lost almost 25lbs before summer came. Then during that summer, I stopped trying. I gained everything back plus twenty additional pounds. I started high school ashamed of myself, of my size and spent the rest of my high school years hiding behind baggy shirts and dark clothing.
This time it’s going to be different. I don’t want to give up, I wont let myself. Every time I think about giving up I’ll just remember what I am doing it for, and who I am doing it for. I think what will help the most is that with Weight Watchers you can eat what you want, but in moderation. I don’t have to be confined to the same boring, tasteless, unappealing foods. Not only that, but they have over 3,000 recipes on their website alone for me to try out. For example today I made some Buffalo Chicken Fingers so my husband and I could enjoy them for the Super bowl! They were easy to make and tasted good too!
I decided the best thing for me to do would be to plan out our family’s dinners for the week, (and yes they have to eat it too). The recipes I have picked for this week not only sound delicious but seem fairly easy to make. By doing this I hope to not only be prepared for the day, but to enjoy healthy new meals with my family. This is where I am not exactly sure to go with my blog. Should I give you nightly updates and tell you about the dinner recipe we tried for the day with maybe a picture and the recipe in case you want to try it? Or should I just update you every Sunday night with how I am doing and what I lost for the week? I guess we will just see what I decide to do tomorrow.
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