Sunday, February 13, 2011

"Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be."

I just finished my first week of Weight Watchers. It feels great to accomplish a small goal, even if it was just for the week. It was easy to stick to a diet that will let you eat the foods you want. Although I did definitely make a lot better choices. The meals we tried were very good, and there is only one I would do differently next time around. My husband even enjoyed them and Abby was asking for more! Can you believe that? My daughter of all people, the fussiest of them all, wanted seconds! Planning the meals out for the week helped me so much. It made everything easier and I look forward to trying the new recipes I have planned for this week.

Since its obvious to all that there is still tons of snow outside and nowhere to walk. I had to exercise inside. Fortunately my Comcast on Demand has and Exercise TV section. I was able to find a walking exercise video (although the lady made you do a lot more than walking!!!) that I thought I could keep up with. Well it was tough at first, I learned the hard way to just do the video at night while both the kids are asleep. I tried to do it the first two days while they were up, Eddie in his exersaucer and Abby right next to me helping me along! Eddie had other ideas and about ten minutes through I had to stop and finish the video later. I must admit it feels good to exercise. When I start doing it to be honest I want to quit halfway through, but I make myself finish and then feel so happy that I did.

I am making myself short and long term goals to concentrate on. Each week I hope to lose a certain amount of weight. Its not going to be an impossible crazy amount and I will try not to be discouraged if I don’t reach my goal that week. For long term goals, that’s easy. In two years from now, I will be in People Magazine’s half their size issue! Or at least look like I belong there!!! Oh and by the way if you wanted to know what I lost…I lost 9 pounds this week!!! So far so good right?


  1. Yes very good! Here's a quote that has help me out on my journey. Hopefully this will help you too. Love Mom....

    The Power Of Determination
    There will be many times you want to quit and give up, but the one quality that will guarantee you success is the willingnest to stick with it, to see it through the end,to refuse to settle for anything less than your dreams.

  2. great job!!!!! love you auntie dot
