Sunday, March 6, 2011

An Empty Victory

This week has ended and I am going to be honest and say that I most definitely didn’t do enough. I only exercised once this week. I ate healthy and drank more water but had no motivation at all. If I had any junk food in the house at all, I probably would have eaten it.

Its starting again. Every once in a while I fall in this sort of depression where all I want to do is cry. I feel like I am not good enough. Like I do not deserve the good things I have. I feel like I don’t do enough for my family. Like my kids should have a better mother and my husband should have a better wife. I don’t know why I get this way sometimes. I know after I had Abby I was really depressed. That is how I gained 85lbs. Before going back to work I’d probably go to the store 2-3 times a week get some junk food, come home and eat it. All of it. Then I would cry. I wasn’t ever sure what was wrong with me. I know that some people can get the “baby blues” after you have a baby. I guess that’s what I had. With Eddie that didn’t happen, and I am very thankful for that, but I still randomly get depressed on occasion, and I am not entirely sure why.

Other than feeling that way. I did okay for this week I guess. I lost 3 pounds, so I did reach my goal for the week. It sort of feels like an empty victory since the only thing I did do was eat healthy. At least I did that. I am feeling more like myself today. So my goal again for this week will be to lose 3 more pounds. I know over the next couple of weeks my husband will be working a lot of hours. So I will have to try to push myself to exercise without him here. I know its going to be difficult but I also know I want to lose weight more than anything. Hopefully now that I am feeling better emotionally it will be easier to work out without my husband here. I just need to keep positive and remember why I am doing this. See you all again next week.


  1. ‎'Emancipate yourself from mental slavery; None but ourselves can free our mind'
    ~ Bob Marley (Redemption Song)
    love Mom!!!

  2. dont give up.... its baby steps... think about this summer what you want to wear and how this year you will be able to go in the pool with your babies.... think of jennifer hudson she looks fanstastic. and she not a size wake up every morn and thank god for another challanging day. you have a goal in life and it's for you self.... so dont give up.... i have faith in you..... you go girl.... love you auntie dot

  3. another tip.... when you get up in the morn put on the radio. and NOT country,,,, it gets you motivated and happy and you even might dance a little.... f that tv i hate it with all those food commercial it just makes you want food. every single night and ad comes on and i want to eat ... i have to argue with myself and realize no... im not hungry and then i think if i dont eat i may be a pound
    xoxox auntie dot
